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Dr. Blessings Chinsinga

Dr. Blessings Chinsinga is the Deputy Director for the Centre for Social Research and an Associate Professor at the Department of Political and Administrative Studies, Chancellor College, University of Malawi. He holds a BA (Public Administration) from University of Malawi, an MPhil (Development Studies) from the University of Cambridge, UK and a PhD (Development Studies) from University of Mainz, Germany. As Deputy Director, Blessings Chinsinga is responsible for coordinating CSR’s research and training as well as the implementation of its overall strategic plan. His research and teaching interests include: public policy analysis, political economy of development, institutions and development, rural livelihoods and natural resource governance, democracy, governance and development, decentralization and local level politics.


Dr. Chinsinga has also been a member of several international research consortia such as Future Agricultures Consortium (FAC) coordinated by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex, UK; Institutions of Pro-Poor Growth (IPPG); and Effective States and Inclusive Development (ESID), both coordinated by the University of Manchester, UK. His recent publications include the following:


  1. Chinsinga, B., and Chasukwa, M., (2012) “Youth, Agriculture and Land Grabs in Malawi”, IDS Bulletin, Vol. 43, No 67 pp 67-77

  2. Chasukwa, M., and Chinsinga, B., (2012) “Slapping Accountability in Malawi’s Local Governments in the Absence of Councillors”, International Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 36, No. 5pp 354-366

  3. Chinsinga, B., Chasukwa, M., and Zuka, S., (2013) “The Political Economy of Land Grabs in Malawi: Investigating the Contribution of Limphasa Sugar Corporation to Rural Development”, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, DOI10.1007/s10806-013-9445-z.

  4. Chinsinga, B., (2013) “Re-examining Lake Chilwa Flood Plain Governance Challenges: An Institutional Perspective”, Toward Defragmenting the Management System of Lake Chilwa Basin, Malawi,

  5. Mvula., Mvula, P., Kalindekafe, M., Kishindo, P., Berge, E. and Njaya, F. (Eds.): Peter Lang Ltd, Switzerland (Forthcoming) Chinsinga, B., and Wrein-Lewis, L., (2014) “Land Grabbing in Malawi”, Corruption, Grabbing and Development: Real World Challenges

  6. Soide, T., and Williams, A., (Eds.) Chattenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing pp 93-102


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