​Our Research Areas​ur
The Centre for Social Research has three main research programmes namely: (i). poverty and sustainable livelihooods, (ii). governance ad democracy ,and, (iii). social-cultural dimensions of public health. While these three are the broad research programmes at CSR, there are other cross-cutting research themes such as gender, HIV/AIDS and climate change.
The Poverty and Sustanable Livelihoods Research Programme
CSR studies in this area provide a framework for analysis of issues that are crucial for the design of strategies for the transition out of poverty. These include access to resources (such as land and credit), infrastructure, services and employment opportunities. CSR’s research also focuses on the sociological dimensions of poverty such as social structures and social organisation…..Read more
The Democracy and Governance Research Programme
CSR conducts research that tries to unpack how the quality of policies, programmes and economic and political governance can help explain the success or failure of a Government. Such assessments are sometimes conducted by experts in public policy and political science or indeed by Malawians themselves. On the assessment by the people, the CSR conducts credible public opinion surveys covering the functioning of democracy; performance of government and constitutional bodies; and the impact of these on individual, household and community livelihoods…..Read more..
The Public Health Research Programme
CSR conducts research that contributes towards the implementation of the National Health Research Agenda (NHRA) on priority health social science as identified in the NHRA. This includes conducting research people’s understanding of various diseases and barriers and determinants of the uptake of health services. CSR also works very closely with the MoH and stakeholders in the health sector to generate evidence for the development and implementation of health systems innovations and evaluate their impact especially in hard to reach and under-served areas and populations….Read more..
Dr. Blessing Chinsinga, Deputy Director
CSR disseminates its research findings through different fora including internal refereed journals, workshops and conferences and through this and partner websites. In addition, CSR is also on facebook and Twitter.......Read more
Current Research Projects at CSR
The following projects are underway at the Centre for Social Research:
To request more information:
The Director
Centre for Social Research
Univrsity of Malawi
P.O. Box 278, Zomba Maawi
E-mail: csr@cc.ac.mw
Tel: +265-111 524800/916
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