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John Kadzandira's publications and reports can be found on the links below


  1. Kadzandira J.M. & Maosa E. 2013: The Situational analysis of adolescent sexual and reproductive health in T/A Mwambo, Zomba District, 2013 - on behalf lf Save the Children

  2. Kadzandira J.M. & Luhanga D. 2013: Formative Research Report for the Support for Service Delivery Integration –Communication (SSDI- Communication) Project

  3. Heyde G. & Kadzandira J.M. 2012: Joint Medium-Term Review of the Country Strategy on Development Cooperation 2009-2013 between the Government of Flanders and the Government of Malawi (Particip, Belgium -  Project MW/CSP/MTR/001)

  4. Gruber J., McLellan I., Kadzandira J.M. & Themba Z. 2012: EBT PREV mid-term performance evaluation Final report (USAID/PSI Malawi)

  5. Bellow G. & Kadzandira J.M. 2012: End of project evaluation report of the malaria communities project in Phalombe district (Concern Universal)

  6. Kadzandira J.M. 2011: The Impact of NAC Funding to Community based organisations: a CBO Impact Assessment Study

  7. Dionne K.Y., Kadzandira J.M., Robinson A. 2011: Protests in Malawi: Survey data on attitudes and participation from three cities

  8. Kadzandira J.M. 2011: Gender Monitoring Report for the SAT Supported HIV and AIDS Projects for Mtisunge (Nkhatabay), NANES (Machinga), NASO (Nkhotakota) and REFORD (Mulanje)

  9. Kadzandira J.M., Konyani S.E.T, Mulauzi B. 2011: Baseline survey report for Tiwalere Project (Feed the Children Inc.)

  10. Kadzandira J.M. 2010: Underlying and Predisposing Factors in HIV Transmission in Southern Malawi: A Qualitative Baseline Assessment for the Malawi BRIDGE II Project

  11. Boivin M., Masanjala W. & Kadzandira J.M. 2010: Malawi HIV and AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Report: 2008-2009 UNGASS Country Progress Report

  12. Mwapasa V., Kadzandira J.M., Munthali S. & Kamoto K. 2010: The Impact of HIV Funding and Programming on Health System Strengthening in Malawi

  13. Mwapasa V. & Kadzandira J.M. 2009: Trends in HIV and non-HIV Service Provision, Health WorkerAvailability and Workload in Malawi: the likely effects of Global HIV/AIDS Initiatives

  14. Mwapasa V. & Kadzandira J.M. 2009: A study of Effects of the Global Fund Support on HIV Service Scale-up, Health Worker Availability and Staff Workload in Malawi

  15. Kadzandira J.M. 2008: Utilisation of Mosquito Bed Nets across the year and coverage of the ‘Child Health Week’ Campaign in Malawi (GoM/National Malaria Control Programme)

  16. Weir S., Hoffman I., Muula A., Brown L., Jackson E.F., Chirwa T., Zanera D., Kumwenda N., Kadzandira J.M., Slaymaker E. Zaba B. 2008: Malawi HIV prevalence study 2008

  17. Kadzandira J.M. 2008: African Food Crisis: The Relevance of Asian Models -Malawi Micro-study Country Report – Round II

  18. Kadzandira J.M. 2008: African Food Crisis: The Relevance of Asian Models -Malawi Macro-study Country Report – Round II

  19. Kadzandira J.M. 2007: A Study of Recipient and Community Experiences of the Delivery of the Malawi Input Subsidy Programme 2006/07 (Regional Hunger and Vulnerability Programme)

  20. Kadzandira J.M. & Kachaka W. 2007: Evaluation of the Mwanza wellness centre (World Food Programme)

  21. Kadzandira J. 2007: Health Service Provision Assessment for HIV/AIDS and TB Control in Southern Malawi: Findings from a Baseline Survey

  22. Kadzandira J.M. 2007 Report of a Baseline Survey for the ICON Project in T/As Pemba, Ndindiand Kambwiri in Salima District and T/As Malenga and Chilooko in Ntchisi District (Care Malawi)

  23. Kadzandira J.M. & Zisiyana C. 2006: Assessment of risk practices and sites where such practices take llace in Nsanje District: The PLACE Protocol

  24. Kadzandira J.M. & Zisiyana C. 2006: Assessment of risk practices and sites where such practices take place in the urban areas of Lilongwe and Blantyre Districts: The PLACE Protocol

  25. Chirwa T., Kadzandira J.M., Kachaka W., Zanera D. & Bello G. 2006: Baseline survey report for Dignitas International, Zomba Malawi

  26. Kadzandira J.M., Mwapasa V., Ngwira B. 2006: Situational analysis for the establishment of HIV/AIDS wellness centres (World Food Programme)

  27. Mwapasa V. & Kadzandira J.M. 2005: Malawi HIV and AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Report 2005 Follow-up to the Declaration of Commitment on HIV and AIDS (UNGASS)

  28. Kadzandira J.M. & Mvula P.M. 2004: Taking stock of achievements and lessons from the pilot PMTCT sites 2004 (UNICEF/GoM)

  29. Kadzandira J.M. & Mvula P.M. 2004: PMTCT Appraisal Report (Volume 1)

  30. Munthali A.C., Kadzandira J.M. & Mvula P.M. 2003 PMTCT formative research (GoM/MoH/UNICEF/NAC)

  31. Plamuleni M., Kambewa P. & Kadzandira J.M. 2003: HIV/AIDS and food security in Malawi (World Food Programme)

  32. Kadzandira J.M. 2002: African Food Crisis: The Relevance of Asian Models’ - Malawi Micro-study Country Report

  33. Kadzandira J.M. 2002: Sources of risks and vulnerability for Malawian households and communities (World Bank)


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